This first one is using the color concept that a color will change based on it's surrounding colors.
Notice the two small squares in the dark and light green blocks look the same color. The bottom two strips of color are what the two small square colors really are. Really fun how we can trick the mind and make it think it's one color when in reality it's two! :D
Sadly this one didn't work out so well. This one is like the green one above only in stead of making two colors look like the same color here I'm trying to make one color look like two colors. You can kinda see it... but yeah. :P
This assignment was fun!!! My job is to put two colors together that are "contrasting colors." Meaning if you look at it too long your eyes should hurt and you get a head ache. I don't know how well it does it on a computer screen but when I look at it in real life it really does hurt my eyes.
Ok, this is... I forget what the concept is called... but any way. What this one should do is that the two colors should mix and make a third one. Once again I don't know how well it does looking at it on a computer screne, but in really life if you stand back from it and look the smaller pieces in the middle mix to make gray when they are really tan and light blue.
This was a fun assignment. I am to use the same colors in all three pieces but arrange it differently each time to make each picture look different. I had fun using contrasting colors and giving people head aches so I did that again here. Since I did used contrasting colors and pointed it out when I turned it in my teacher gave me some bonus points! ^^
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